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Dieter Kempeneers: from Microsoft fan to MVP | Arxus

Technology is omnipresent in Dieter’s life. It’s been that way since his early childhood: even then he was already writing tools in C# and testing operating systems like Ubuntu. Additionally, he dove into computer sciences as soon as he could. By now, he’s not only become an established expert at Arxus, but he’s also earned the title of Microsoft MVP. Spare time? Dieter just keeps going. Let us introduce him further! 

Dieter is a Cloud Solutions Architect and Chapter Lead at Arxus, and a Microsoft MVP (Windows 365). For those who knew him as a child, this comes as no surprise. Was it watching his father work with hardware that first sparked his interest? Who knows, but young Dieter certainly seized every opportunity to delve into software. When he finally got to study computer sciences, it truly felt like the starting point of what would eventually become his career.


As if it was meant to be

After his studies, Dieter started looking for work and... “All roads definitely led to Cronos,” he says. “I’d previously gotten in touch with someone from Cronos at a job fair, and she’d invited me for an interview. I also knew someone at Arxus. After several meetings with different Cronos companies, I simply had a gut feeling that Arxus was the place to be for me.” The rest is history. Ten years later, he’s still here, proving that your instincts rarely lead you astray. 


From Systems Engineer to Architect 

Dieter started out as a Systems Engineer and became our seventh colleague. The tickets he got to work on back then were rather extensive. “Nowadays, we’d split them according to expertise. However, we simply didn’t have the manpower at the time. That might sound intense, but I learned a lot by figuring things out on my own. Besides, I quite enjoyed myself! Some would call it chaos; I’d sooner look for the (hidden) opportunities.” It’s all about perspective, of course, but it’s definitely true that Dieter approached every challenge with the same enthusiasm! 

Over the years, Dieter increasingly focused on IT architecture. He is now part of the Modern Workplace Tribe as an Architect for the managed services. He’s also the one who designed and documented those from start to finish. “I’m quite proud of that,” he smiles modestly. “We started building on it and it’s now being sold to our clients. It’s a pretty special feeling to know that I created them from scratch.” Oh, and did you know he built and implemented the end-to-end development of architecture to a complete platform for various customers as well? 


A new Chapter (Lead)

Arxus underwent multiple changes since Dieter started working here. His take on it: “For me, it has always and primarily felt like an environment where I could shape my own path.” In fact, that’s how he approached us with his plan for those managed services, so we fully agree. It’s wonderful to see him thriving in our organisation! 

He also appreciates our company culture, saying: “I really enjoy the Arxus events, but it’s mainly the overall team spirit that’s great here; not an easy feat as our company keeps growing.” Indeed, that’s one of the reasons why we divide our Tribes at Arxus into ‘Chapters’, and Dieter is one of our Chapter Leads. “It’s just a title, you know,” he laughs. “I’m still doing what I already did before. True, I did become a clear(er) point of contact, and I take on final responsibility. It’s extra fun, though, that I get to go on weekends for Tribe and Chapter Leads to help shape the future of Arxus. A huge energy booster!”


Bonus: Microsoft MVP 

Dieter’s obvious passion for IT has been noticed by Microsoft, so it surprised no one when they recently recognised him as a Microsoft MVP (Windows 365). Dieter is positively beaming when we talk about it. “I must admit I was initially a bit sceptical about Windows 365. Once I learned more about it, however, it completely consumed me. I’ve introduced it both internally and externally, given talks about it at events, provided product feedback (which they seem to value at Microsoft), started my own blog, you name it. Apparently, they noticed,” he concludes happily. Microsoft has even invited Dieter to Seattle for a conference, which is a big honour. We’re very proud of him at Arxus, and fully support his work in this area! 


To me, Arxus is... 

“... a hobby,” Dieter jokes. “No, but I do really love my job, and the entire package of Arxus’ great culture, accessibility ... Sure, work takes up a lot of time, but I’m enjoying myself immensely here.” So much so that he keeps going after hours! It's possible his family might not be as thrilled about it, but Dieter remains deeply immersed in technology at home, having now automated his car’s charging station and even his lawnmower. 

Still unsure about Arxus? Dieter convinces you in a heartbeat: “The flexibility, variety, and the freedom to explore how you want to shape your path and dig into technology are invaluable. And the work atmosphere is fantastic. Ownership and community are absolutely part of the deal here!” We’re excited to see what projects Dieter will tackle next and are very glad he’s part of the team. Here’s to many more years! 


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